Homeopathy was developed by a German physician who sought to investigate why the poisoning symptoms of Cinchona bark so closely resembled the symptoms of malaria, a disease that it was, and still is, used to treat. Homeopathy is rooted in the principle of “provings.” Remedies are added to the Materia Medica for homeopathy after being administered to healthy volunteers as part of test and control trial. Some of these placebo controlled trials date back to 1911. Trial participants record their physical and mental-emotional symptoms, including their dreams, in order to paint a holistic picture of their post-remedy state. This constitutes the raw data that is interpreted to determine the symptom-picture of a remedy.
Homeopathic practitioners use a guide known as “The Repertory” to associate symptoms experienced to remedies that have been found to create those symptoms. The Repertory uses bolding, capital letters and underlining to indicate how often a remedy has been associated with a symptom by well reputed homeopaths.
Homeopathy is not currently understood on a material level, although hypotheses regarding the mechanism of action exist in quantum electromechanics.1 Homeopathic remedies start with a substance, such as a mineral, or plant extract, and are subsequently macerated, pulverized and diluted. Operating on an energetic level, the more potent and long lasting doses are also the most chemically dilute, with the least amount of the starting substance. For example, a 10M dose of a remedy is considered highly potent and indicates that a remedy has been pulverized and diluted 10,000 times, at which point there may not even be a molecule of the original substance left.
Homeopathy should never be used in the place of a vitamin, mineral, pharmaceutical or surgical intervention that a patient may need. Homeopathic remedies serve as adjunctive therapies targeting both emotional and physical symptoms, often after or in conjunction with standard-of-care treatments. Homeopathic remedies and dose are individualized, determined through a comprehensive intake, and are selected in order to promote an individual’s inherent self-healing processes.
1. Manzalini A1, Galeazzi B2. Homeopathy. 2019 Aug;108(3):169-176. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1681037. Epub 2019 Mar 22. Explaining Homeopathy with Quantum Electrodynamics. Available Online: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30901775